Solar Alerts Monitoring

Sunday, November 10, 2013

X1.1 Solar Flare From Sunspot 1890 - November 10, 2013

  As seen in the EVE image to the left, sunspot 1890 is directly Earth facing and has just produced a strong X1.1 solar flare at 05:14UTC.

Looking at the latest STEREO images, there is a CME that was produced along with this X flare.
More updated images are needed to tell the direction and speed of this CME. 

Check back often for further updates.

 The Goddard Space Flight Center CME model has been updated. The CME that was produced in association with this X flare is expected to have a direct Earth impact and will arrive late on Nov. 12th through early Nov. 13

November 10 2013 CME

Event Issue Date: 2013-11-10 10:00:59.0 GMT
CME Arrival Time: 2013-11-12 18:39:35.0 GMT
Arival Time Confidence Level: ± 6 hours
Disturbance Duration: 24 hours
Disturbance Duration Confidence Level: ± 8 hours
Magnetopause Standoff Distance: 4.9 Re

Click HERE to view the animated CME model

Space Weather Alerts:

Issue Time: 2013 Nov 10 0629 UTC
ALERT: Type IV Radio Emission
Begin Time: 2013 Nov 10 0534 UTC
Description: Type IV emissions occur in association with major eruptions on the sun and are typically associated with strong coronal mass ejections and solar radiation storms.

Issue Time: 2013 Nov 10 0537 UTC
ALERT: Type II Radio Emission
Begin Time: 2013 Nov 10 0513 UTC
Estimated Velocity: 1012 km/s
Description: Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event.

Issue Time: 2013 Nov 10 0529 UTC
SUMMARY: 10cm Radio Burst
Begin Time: 2013 Nov 10 0512 UTC
Maximum Time: 2013 Nov 10 0513 UTC
End Time: 2013 Nov 10 0514 UTC
Duration: 3 minutes
Peak Flux: 360 sfu
Latest Penticton Noon Flux: 148 sfu
Description: A 10cm radio burst indicates that the electromagnetic burst associated with a solar flare at the 10cm wavelength was double or greater than the initial 10cm radio background. This can be indicative of significant radio noise in association with a solar flare. This noise is generally short-lived but can cause interference for sensitive receivers including radar, GPS, and satellite communications.

Issue Time: 2013 Nov 10 0524 UTC
SUMMARY: X-ray Event exceeded X1
Begin Time: 2013 Nov 10 0508 UTC
Maximum Time: 2013 Nov 10 0514 UTC
End Time: 2013 Nov 10 0518 UTC
X-ray Class: X1.1
Optical Class: 2b
Location: S14W13
NOAA Scale: R3 - Strong
Potential Impacts: Area of impact consists of large portions of the sunlit side of Earth, strongest at the sub-solar point.
Radio - Wide area blackout of HF (high frequency) radio communication for about an hour.

Issue Time: 2013 Nov 10 0514 UTC
ALERT: X-Ray Flux exceeded M5
Threshold Reached: 2013 Nov 10 0512 UTC
NOAA Scale: R2 - Moderate
Potential Impacts: Area of impact centered on sub-solar point on the sunlit side of Earth. Extent of blackout of HF (high frequency) radio communication dependent upon current X-ray Flux intensity. For real-time information on affected area and expected duration please see


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    يعتبر المشروع من واحد من أهم المشاريع القومية التى تجمع بين سحر الطبيعة الخلابة والمقومات العالمية؛ إذ يشمل المشروع كل من منتجع سياحى ومدينة متكاملة الخدمات، بالإضافة إلى طريق العين السخنة – الزعفرانة، الذى يقطع جبل الجلالة؛ ليصبح بذلك مشروعاً ذو قيمة تاريخية، وحضارية، واستراتيجية.

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