Solar Alerts Monitoring

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Solar Activity Update for Jan 8th 2012 - 22:38 UT

Solar activity is still quiet. We had some small C Class Flares most of them from Region 1393.
But also 1389 was flaring a bit and will soon rotate from the visible disc.
Region 1393 grows again a bit and the Region next to it, Region 1392 disappeared



Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity 8 January 2012

 Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24
hours. Region 1393 (N16W45) continues to grow in both areal coverage
and magnetic complexity. The largest event of the period was a C4
x-ray event from around the east limb. A non Earth directed CME was
observed in LASCO C2 and C3 imagery around 08/0212Z. Region 1395
(N22E59) was numbered early in the period.

     So the new Region on the east limb gets numbered as 1395

    We have some pretty prominences on the disc

   The Prominences to the west are realy huge and beautiful

    But i guess more of interest are the ones to the east! They  rotate soon into earth facing position, but at the moment they looks stable.

    Region 1393 grows again from yesterday till now and increased from 30 to 100 millionths

This region increased also in magnetic complexity as it gets Flu

Latest colored SDO/HMI  Quick- Look shows it up like it NINz said:

     Region 1394 decayed losing the trailing spots

The largest group so far is still region 1391 at 370 millionths and it decayed slightly

SIDC Belgium reports now:

SIDC - RWC BELGIUM 08 Jan 2012, 0835UT

Solar activity is at eruptive levels and gradually increasing, with the GOES X-ray flux background close to C level. More than seven C flares were observed within the last 24 hours. Several more C flares are expected within the next 24 hours, with a chance for an M flare, especially from NOAA regions 11393 and 11388. Solar wind velocities measured by ACE have been mainly between 420 and 460 km/s in the last 24 hours, with the IMF around 5 nT. Geomagnetic conditions have been quiet in this period, and are expected to be predominantly quiet on January 8 and 10. On January 9, a glancing blow is possible from the CME first observed by COR2 A on January 5, 14:24 UT, in which case active geomagnetic levels are expected.

Incoming Regions:

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